True Beard 765
The beardest news:
Attention! If you have seen Doken One-Eye, report to the post of the Black Legion immediately. He is suspected of stealing 18 cakes and spoiling a drove of red-browed pigs “following his own perceptions of beauty.”
A reminder from the Brewers Guild: “Every self-respecting gobla should remember that purebred Morelbeer does not have enough taste of fish giblets, and from “elven tears” you can lose your signature stench. Of course, it’s up to you who to drink with, but if the toads no longer recognize you, remember we told you so.”
The most truthful ads:
We present Wurf’s beard wax — the fixation is as strong as your axe handle, if you know what I mean. Wurf is a worthy dwarf and member of the Thunderhand known not only for his valour. But also for his endless love of his beard. He has experimented with it in so many ways! So can you!
Morelbeer is an incredibly pleasant intoxicating drink. Everyone should try it. Depending on the aging, it’s divided into three types — dirtybelly (more than 6 months), purebred (more than 2 years), elven tears (more than 5 years). Come and taste!
Dwarf of the week!
Often in dwarf families you can hear the phrase — do you want to end up like Сrazy Thorn? That’s how they scare children. Thorn was a great runic caster, one of King Garioth’s confidants. 36 years ago he went on an expedition to the Sorrow Mountains. After 4 years, he was bought from the goblins — he was completely gray-haired and absolutely insane. Sitting in a cage, covered from head to toe with his own filth, he kept repeating “taka-taka-tak li, tak li is coming, he’s coming! Hide it! hide your children!”
Stay in touch, worthy dwarfs, to stay up to date!